Online Sermons

Online Sermons

Turned Tables

You as a child must prioritize your parents wellbeing, no matter how old your parents are.  If you parents are still alive, you need to prioritize their wellbeing.  For some it will be harder to do things honorably toward your parents as they may not be honorable people.  But I don't think we get to throw the baby out with the bath water.  I don't think we get to throw this command and the Ten Commandments to honor our father and mother just because they may not act honorable.  But we prioritize their wellbeing.  In John 19 clearly, maybe one of the most touching incidents we run across in Jesus’ own life, when hanging on the cross dying, the very last conversation he has is when he looks to John the disciple and say behold your mother, as He looks at His own mom, and behold your son.  From that hour the disciple took her to his own home.  Jesus in his last moments really cared about how his mom was being taken care of.  That tells me that Jesus really prioritized his family.

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